My Story
Hey, I'm Inbal. Designer by profession and fashionista by hobby.
After years of being a 9-5 fashion designer and buyer in the retail industry, I discovered the e-commerce world and its amazing digital aspects, which became a game-changer for me (midlife crisis anyone?!).
It was then when I decided to share my passion with the world through selling t-shirts online, and although never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I would be creating a brand of my own, Matchizz came to life and brought about a time of learning, fun and the amazing feeling of self fulfillment.
Matchizz is when Fashion meets Fun!
It's all about helping people connect with their loved ones through matching outfits and sharing memories together.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Textile Design with a specialization in print, but more importantly, I'm a mother of a teenage girl and twin boys (they grow up so fast!)
My children were born into this world and were surrounded by clothes since they were little. I used to measure all the clothes on them before production for so many years that it took them a long while to get over it and start appreciating fashionable clothes all over again.
Do you want to know why I fell in love with the matching outfit concept?
1) It's FUN.
The twist, the message, using puns, it just makes you and everyone around you smile!
I love coming up with new phrases that relate to all kinds of people, and get excited seeing people wearing and sharing. (share your Matchizz style on our Instagram page @matchizz2)
3) It makes a STATEMENT.
Matching outfits are an easy way to tell someone you love and care for them. It states that both of you have a special relationship.
4) It looks GREAT.
It makes a beautiful, very photographable memory of you and your loved ones on your special occasion or while you celebrate your relationship.
5) It makes a GREAT GIFT.
It's unique baby shower gifts, great Wedding gift ideas or family picture outfits.
If you feel like ordering one of our cute MATCHIZZ,
will you do me a favor and tag #matchizz to help spread the cuteness? Thanks! I knew we would be best friends!
Also, if you are innovative as you are fashionable and have a fun matching phrase idea that you want to see come to life on MATCHIZZ, let me know! If I choose your phrase, I'll send you a free shirt in the mail.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my shop.